Friday, November 18, 2011

Looper Bending - 19 Points

Looper Bending for Merrow Sewing Machines

Before installing and adjusting Merrow Loopers, please make sure you have a Merrow 30-10 Looper Bender.

NOTE: Loopers are designed to be bent only in the shank area.

1. Install the lower looper, pushing it all the way to the right.
2. Tighten the looper set screw securely against the flat spot on the looper shank.
3. Install a new needle into the Needle Carrier. (Be sure that the needle shank is all the way back against the carrier  stop pin. Tighten the needle carrier nut securely.
4. Turn the handwheel in the operating direction until the needle is at the bottom of its travel, and the looper is all the way to the left.
5. Continue to slowly turn the handwheel until the tip of the Lower Looper is positioned at the left edge of the needle. In this position, the tip of the looper should firmly touch the needle without deflecting it. The tip of the looper should be positioned one-sixteenth of an inch above the top of the needle eye.
6.To make this adjustment fist use side C of the Looper Bender and bend the looper UP or DOWN
     NOTE: When bending the loopers always bend them slightly farther in the direction desired, then flex it back to the new position. Otherwise , in use, the looper is likely to gradually spring back to it’s original position.
7. Use side A of the Looper Bender and bend the looper so the tip makes a firm contact with the needle without deflecting it.
8. Install the Upper Looper into the Looper Carrier. Push it all the way into the carrier and tighten the set screw securely against the flat spot on the shank.
9. Turn the Hand Wheel until the Upper Looperis at it’s farthest position to the left.
10. Slowly turn the handwheel until the needle is just behind the upper looper.
11. The needle should pass as close to the Upper Looper blade as possible WITHOUT touching it, and, just to the right of the slot in the looper head
12. Use side A of the Looper Bender to bend the looper CLOSER of FARTHER away from the Needle.
13. Use side C of the Looper Bender to bend the looper UP or DOWN
14. When this adjustment is correct , turn the handwheel until the Upper Looperis all the way to the right.
15. Slowly rock the handwheel clockwise and counterclockwise.
16. On the up and down stroke, the top part of the slot in the Upper Loopershould pass jusst clear of the left end of the lower looper.
17. Use side C of the Looper Bender to bend the Upper Looper slightly UP or DOWN
18. Use side A of the Looper Bender to bend the Upper Looper slightly CLOSER or FARTHER AWAY from the bottom looper.
19. Finally turn the handwheel thought one full cycle and check to see that the loopers and needle are properly aligned to each other.

FOR MORE HELP PLEASE VISIT MERROW.COM, EMAIL SUPPORT@MERROW.COM OR CALL 508.689.4095. Merrow is located in Fall River, MA and has both a factory direct service program and more than 160 agents around the world.
Unknown Merrow

Merrow has manufactured sewing machines since 1838 and remains one of the most interesting companies in the textile space