Saturday, December 17, 2016

Imagine a Bespoke Sewing Machine: Imagine Merrow

This morning i've had time to reflect on the holiday season, and on Merrow. Over the past decade we've transformed into a company that builds world class sewing machines, beautifully.

I'd like to introduce, a sneak peak into 2017. The year of the Merrow bespoke sewing machine. We build to order, and design our machines to look as remarkable as they performs.

Imagine a machine that will last you a lifetime, and look stunning on your sewing floor. A machine that you can be as proud of as the product you're producing. Imagine a machine that allows you to brand the seams on your sewn product, along with the design and material.

Imagine Merrow - Happy Holidays, we'll see you in 2017.

Charlie Merrow

Merrow Merrow

Merrow has manufactured sewing machines since 1838 and remains one of the most interesting companies in the textile space

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